Playtime Digital Theatre
Educational theatre at the touch of a button
PDT is an innovative theatre project for children learning and practising English. We bring participative, musical theatre directly to your classroom via a video streaming platform. In addition, we have created teaching resources for each show designed to support your English lessons, bilingual subjects and assessment syllabus. The project is not created for remote learning but instead it has been designed as a pupil-centred classroom activity.
Video 2 - Enjoy the Show
Video 2 is the show and lasts between 35 - 40 minutes. You can watch the video as many times as you like during the period requested in your classroom or school theatre. Children song, dance and act when when they see the participation symbols.

Which Shows to Choose
​Lenny the Lazy Boy - Primary 1
The School Detective - Primary 3

Video 1 - Prepare your Pupils
Video 1 is the show preparation video. You will meet the characters, learn the songs and dances and be introduced to the key themes and vocabulary.

Resource Packs
The resource pack works in conjuntion with Videos 1 and 2 providing extra activities, lesson plans, assessment, playscripts and audios.

Flexible Pricing
Your school can choose how many times to watch the shows. We have short-term and longer-term price packages. Simply send us an email telling us how you want to use Playtime Digital.